Local Contrast

This effect allows to change contrast in a selected area of the image color (colors).



Colors are set in color pads. To change contrast in certain color area you should select a color and set a tag in the check box on the left side of the color pad. You can set no more than four colors.


Radius scale sets the radius of capture. The parameter accepts values from 0 up to 1. At the radius equal to 0 contrast is changed only in the area of selected colors, and at the radius equal to 1 it is changed on the whole image.

Curve sets the degree of contrast increase/reduction in the area of selected color (colors).

You can increase contrast in the area of selected color (colors) by moving the cursor to the upper left corner, and reduce it by moveing the cursor to the lower right corner.

If you select one color in this effect, the increase in contrast will bring the whole color gamma to the given color. And if you reduce contrast thel color gamma will be brought to teh color opposite to the selected one. Opposite colors are defined in the color circle, roughly speaking, opposite colors are red and green, dark blue and orange, violet and yellow etc.